The Cornish Rex is known as the Greyhound of Cats due to its racing ability. The term Rex as applied to the Cornish Rex is used to denote unusual fur. The use of the word Rex, which is Latin for king, to refer to strange fur, began when King Albert I of Belgium tried to enter his rabbits in a competition. The curly hair on the rabbits would have disqualified them from the show, but no one wanted to reject the King, so they added the word Rex to his entries. Although they have less hair than other cats, Cornish Rexes still cause allergic reactions in people who are sensitive to cats.
Related pages:
Cornish Rex Rescue
Louisiana Animal Rescue
(Sorted by Zip Code.)
St Bernard Parish - Chalmette 70043 St. Bernard Parish Animal Shelter 504 278-1535
Orleans County - New Orleans, LA 70114 LA/SPCA 504-368-5191
Jefferson Parish - Harahan, Louisiana 70123 Jefferson SPCA 504-733-7387
Orleans County - New Orleans 70178 Southern Animal Foundation 504-861-7729
Tangipahoa County - Amite, LA 70422 Hutchinson Veterinary Clinic 985-748-9160
Lafayette County - Carencro 70520 Lafayette Animal Aid 337-896-1553
E Baton Rouge Parish - Baton Rouge, LA 70817 Capital Area Animal Welfare Society 225-752-5801
Ouachita County - Monroe 71207 PAWS of NE Louisiana 318-397-0007
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