The Cornish Rex is known as the Greyhound of Cats due to its racing ability. Although they have less hair than other cats, Cornish Rexes still cause allergic reactions in people who are sensitive to cats.
Related pages:
Cornish Rex Rescue
Oklahoma Animal Rescue
(Sorted by Zip Code.)
Oklahoma County - Oklahoma City 73085 Pets and People Humane Society 405-350-PETS
Oklahoma County - Oklahoma City, OK 73127 Animal Low Cost Spay Clinic 405-949-1000
Oklahoma County - Oklahoma City 73156 Oklahoma Volunteers for Animal Welfare 405-843-4755
Tulsa County - Tulsa, OK 74106 Spay OKlahoma 918-728-3144
If you find any of the above spay/neuter information is incorrect,
or if you know another low-cost clinic to recommend, please
call Rescue Me! at 1-800-800-2099 with this information.