The Cornish Rex is known as the Greyhound of Cats due to its racing ability. The Cornish Rex lacks an outer coat of hair, having only the fuzzy down that exists as a base coat on most cats. The use of the word Rex, which is Latin for king, to refer to strange fur, began when King Albert I of Belgium tried to enter his rabbits in a competition. The curly hair on the rabbits would have disqualified them from the show, but no one wanted to reject the King, so they added the word Rex to his entries.
Related pages:
Cornish Rex Rescue
Wyoming Animal Rescue
(Sorted by Zip Code.)
Laramie County - Cheyenne, WY 82007 Cheyenne Animal Shelter 307-632-6655
Goshen County - Hawk Springs, Wyoming 82217 Pet Pals, Inc. 307-532-3861
Fremont County - Lander 82520 Lander Pet Connection 307-330-5200
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